BECK Elektronik, Displays

E-Paper Advertising Displays

A point-of-purchase or POP display is marketing material or advertising usually placed next to the product.

EPD Advertising Display E Ink

These items are represented at the checkout area or other location where the purchase decision is made.

POP has become popular for many manufacturers. Most vendors provide POP materials for free use in retail stores. The animated displays help to highlight the product and draw the customers' attention.

The segmented e-Paper structure with color filters and integrated backlight can be solved in different forms to meet the design expectations. The power consumption of the displays is very low and one battery set can last up to 2 years before a replacement.

Each POP display is customized. Prices for the development depend on size, quantity and the amount of active segments.

Send us your request for quotation and we help to solve your marketing idea in the modern e-paper technology.

For any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Beck team.

EPD Advertise Display
E Papaer Advertising Display