Displays, BECK Elektronik

E Ink Displays at the trade show “Embedded World 2020”

If an E-Paper Technology is a new term for you, take your time to experience these unique products live.

  • Full-color displays
  • Displays for digital notepads

Full-color displays

The first full-color 13.3" display based on E Ink’s ACeP™ technology is shortly before the series production. The display with extended color gamut is constructed in such a way that all necessary color pigments are placed in the electrophoretic liquid in every single pixel of the display. The four basic colors (cyan, magenta, yellow and white) generate eight primary colors and allow production of over 32 000 colors.

The power consumption is still remaining extremely low, since the image buildup happens with the help of different voltages, which reorient the color pigments in the micro-capsules and then stay stable until the next image change.

To facilitate an implementation of the display for users, E Ink has developed its own TCON driving board. The T1000 board is offered in combination with the display.

Displays for digital notepads

The market of digital notepads is changing constantly because new displays or alternative writing technologies are being used. E Ink Holdings introduces a new input technology called "JustWrite". JustWrite is based on the well-known E Ink technology and therefore also has low power consumption. Plastic is used as the surface material, which gives the panels a quite high level of resistance and flexibility. The samples are currently available in four different sizes: 8.7“, 10.5“, 13.9“ and 42.0“. Due to its structure the JustWrite displays can have any shape and be used in input devices like notepads or in different cascade systems. In general, such flexibility gives an opportunity to convert any surface into an input device.

To interact with this display all you need is a magnetic stylus to write and simple electronics for erasing. The displays can work in two modes: white font on black background or inverted – black font on white background.

For further information, contact your sales partner or use the contact form on our website.

Embedded World 2020 in Nuremberg
We our looking forward to your visit!