JSCJ Transistors
Bipolar / Darlington / MOSFET
Jiangsu Changjing Electronics Co. Ltd., kurz JSCJ, ist ein dynamisches Unternehmen mit Sitz in Nanjing in der chinesischen Provinz Jiangsu. JSCJ ist eine Ausgründung der Discrete Device Division des Muttergesellschaft Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. (JCET), einem der TOP3 der weltweit größten OSATs (Out-sourced Semiconductor Assembly & Test). JSCJ hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt zu einem der führenden Akteure auf dem Halbleitermarkt zu werden.
JSCJ bietet ein breites Portfolio an Halbleiter-Bauteilen für die Bereiche Industrie, Konsumgüter sowie Weiße Ware und fokussiert den Ausbau seines Sortiments nach AEC-Q101 zertifizierten Produkten. Neben den klassischen Aktiven Komponenten hat JSCJ auch frequenzgebende Bauelemente wie Quarze und Oszillatoren in der Linecard. JSCJ erfüllt die branchenüblichen Qualitätsstandards und ist nach ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 und IATF 16949 zertifiziert.
Die Partnerschaft zwischen BECK und JSCJ begann bereits zu den frühen Anfängen von JSCJ im Jahr 2019.
Bipolar Junction Transistors / BJT
A Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) has either a npn-structure or a pnp-structure and therefore comprises two subsequent pn-junctions. The currents are combined negatively charged electrons and positively charged holes as charge carriers. Bipolar junction transistors are usually used in two different types of applications: switching and amplification.
JSCJ has a broad portfolio of transistors for several different purposes and applications. Highlights are a low VSAT and the full range of digital transistors.
Overview of JSCJ's Bipolar Junction Transistors Product Portfolio
Darlington Transistor
A Darlington Transistor consists of two single transistors, that are working closely toegether to amplify the current. Use cases are the amplification of analog signals and other applications, where a high current gain is necessary.
JSCJ has a wide range of Darlington Transistors with VCEO ranging from 30V up to 100V and a collector current IC ranging from 0,3A up to 10A.
Small Signal Mosfet & Power Mosfet
A MOSFET (Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor) is a type of insulated-gate field-effect transistor which is widely used for switching and amplifying signals with the capability to work up to a few hundred KHz.
JSCJ's MOSFET portfolio offers a range of breakdown voltages from –100V to 800V combined with state-of-the art packaging. They aim for the consumer market for applications like wireless charger, motor drivers, security equipment, Li-Ion battery protection etc.
Overview of JSCJ's MOSFETs Product Portfolio
JSCJ’s has released a CSP (chip scale packaging) Power Mosfet CJ6207SP:
The CJ6207SP uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RSS(ON) (common Drain topology) , low gate charge and operation with gate voltages as low as 2.5 V while retaining an 8 V VGS(MAX) rating. It is ESD protected. This device is suitable for use as a unidirectional or bi-directional load switch, facilitated by its common-drain configuration. The very tiny package CSP targets for space limited applications like wearables and cell phones.